Almont North Dakota
1906        Centennial        2006
'home of the EAGLES'


Downtown Almont

Click on any photo to see enlarged photo

P7031403.JPG P7010114.JPG sunflwer inn P7031407.JPG bar
P7010115.JPG P7010116.JPG main st N main strt DSC00038.JPG
P7031402.JPG P7031404.JPG P7031405.JPG P7031408.JPG P7031410.JPG
P7031411.JPG P7031412.JPG P7031430.JPG P7031431.JPG fire hall
DSC00007 legion hall security bnk almont arena store 1
depot almont lumber building1 lumber office str 5
trck co bulk plant P7020130.JPG DSC00015 street
DSC00032.JPG gas sign DSC00036.JPG

